Upper American River Project: stream flow and reservoir conditions
SMUD owns and operates the Upper American River Project (UARP), located on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada. The UARP lies within El Dorado and Sacramento counties, primarily within lands of the Eldorado National Forest. The project is a large hydroelectric development composed of several reservoirs and powerhouses located along streams and rivers within the American River basin. Recreational facilities have been developed around the Project storage reservoirs, mostly in an area commonly referred to as the Crystal Basin Recreation Area.
2025 Recreation Streamflow Schedule
Review the hydro relicensing compliance information in support of our 50-year license to operate the UARP.
We’re making improvements
Over the next few years, many of the Crystal Basin Recreational Areas will be upgraded with new features for your enjoyment. However, the work will require some sites to be partially or completely closed during renovations. Please view the closure map for a schedule and information to help with your planning.
View the latest recorded stream flows and reservoir elevations
- Brush Creek
- Gerle Creek (below Gerle Creek Dam)
- Gerle Creek (below Loon Lake Dam)
- Little Rubicon River
- Rubicon River (below Rubicon Dam)
- Silver Creek (below Camino Dam)
- Silver Creek (below Junction Dam)
- Silver Creek (south fork below Ice House Dam)
- South Fork, American River (below South Fork Powerhouse)
- South Fork, American River (below Chili Bar Dam)
- South Fork, Rubicon River (below Robbs Peak Dam)
- Brush Creek Reservoir
- Chili Bar Reservoir
- Gerle Creek Reservoir
- Ice House Reservoir
- Junction Reservoir
- Loon Lake Reservoir
- Rubicon Reservoir
- Slab Creek Reservoir
- Union Valley Reservoir
Disclaimer: Neither SMUD nor PG&E assumes any legal responsibility for the accuracy of the information on this site. The information consists of estimates of stream flows and reservoir levels. Actual stream flows and reservoir levels may vary significantly from the estimates provided. Many factors affect flows and reservoir levels, including weather, snowmelt runoff, and the operating requirements of the hydro project. Reservoir and river recreation can be hazardous. Recreationists have the sole responsibility to determine whether conditions are safe to enter the water, and they thereby assume full risk of serious bodily injury.
- Download streamflow release information
- Chili Bar whitewater recreational flow schedule
- 2025 Water Year Type (Bulletin 120) (Updated March 10, 2025)
"PG&E" refers to the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation. © Pacific Gas and Electric Company. All rights reserved.