Investor relations

SMUD makes the most recent financial reports, official statements, rate information and other fiscal information relating to investor relations available for your convenience.

Our investor relations website contains information for investors, potential investors and financial analysts.

Leading the way with clean power

Our 2030 Clean Energy Vision benefits you, our region and the world.

We’ve embarked on a bold journey to eliminate carbon emissions from our power supply by 2030. It’s the most ambitious goal of any large utility in the United States. We’re working to be an environmental leader and put Sacramento on the map as a region where innovative, climate-friendly businesses want to be and where our community can experience improved air quality for generations to come.

Learn about our vision

See how we plan to reach our goal

Financial reports and statements

See a recent annual disclosure update.

See a summary of our achievements in the past year.

2024 Series M Official Statement

We are responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of consolidated statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

The budget provides funding to meet all of the Board's strategic directives over the coming year and lays the foundation for the future.

Contact us

We're available to provide information and answer your questions.

Alex Fastovich,

Principal Analyst

Jon Anderson,


Bond questions:

US Bank Trust, Inc.
P.O. Box 64111
St. Paul, MN  55164-0111


Other resources

EMMA is the official repository for free information on municipal bonds.
We work hard to make sure we provide some of the lowest rates in California. Learn about our rates, discounts and more.
We're committed to using more renewable resources to improve local air quality and be a leader in greenhouse gas reduction.