Emission and zero-carbon program information

Learn about the progress we're making toward our 2030 goal of providing carbon-free power to our customers.

Data on this page will be updated within approximately 4 weeks of the end of each quarter. This data is for informational purposes only, and should not be used for planning purposes. Data is subject to change without notice.

For data from 2023, please visit the 2023 emission and program page.

Learn about our 2030 Clean Energy Vision
2023 Zero Carbon Plan Progress Report

Quarterly generation and emissions from gas plants

  Energy generated from gas plants we control in 2024

Q1 2024


Q2 2024


Q3 2024


Q4 2024

We expect to generate 7,700 GWh of energy from gas plants we control in 2024.

CO2 Gas plant emissions for load and market sales*
Greenhouse gas emissions chart. 2024 planned greenhouse gas emissions are 3 million metric tons. Bar chart shows breakdown of emissions by Cosumnes Power Plant, Thermal plant contracts and cogen and peaker plants. Specific data is highlighted in accompanying tables. 


  Q1 2024 Q2 2024 Q3 2024 Q4 2024
Thermal plant contract 74k MT CO2e 103k MT CO2e 163k MT CO2e 129k MT CO2e
Cosumnes Power Plant 423k MT CO2e 184k MT CO2e 407k MT CO2e 397k MT CO2e
Cogens and peaker plants 139k MT CO2e 133k MT CO2e 175k MT CO2e 176k MT CO2e
 Total 636k MT CO2e 420k MT CO2e 745k MT CO2e 702k MT CO2e

Note: Cosumnes Power Plant and the cogen and peaker plants are SMUD-owned resources.

*SMUD's GHG emissions are estimated based on the amount of power generated at  SMUD's gas plants and power purchased from the Calpine Sutter gas plant.  The planned and actual GHG emissions from our fossil fuel generation reflect total emissions to serve SMUD customer energy needs and market sales to support California and other neighboring states. GHG emissions are estimated using the most recent emission factors that have been verified in accordance with the California Air Resources Board (CARB) Mandatory Reporting Regulation (MRR).

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Solar and storage installations

Total solar installations*

Over 58,000 customers have installed rooftop solar, totaling more than 387 MW of energy in SMUD territory.

Chart showing residential and commercial solar installations, broken down by retrofits and new construction. In 2023 there were 2,141 retrofits and 3,604 new construction installs. In Q1 2024, there were 382 retrofits and 981 new construction installs. 

*These are completed/installed systems. SMUD has inspected the site and given approval for the system to operate.


Total battery storage installations

Over 2,000 customers have installed battery storage, totaling more than 13 MW of storage in SMUD territory.

Chart showing residential and commercial battery installations. In 2023 there were 463 installs. In Q1 2024, there were 126 installs.


Zero carbon program and project statuses

We'll achieve our 2030 goal through the success of different projects, programs and activities. Utility-scale projects will help ensure we can continue to provide safe, reliable service using carbon free energy.

Participation in residential and commercial customers programs will help us bridge the gap to meet our goal and help improve our regional air quality. Program adoption depends on a variety of factors. Participation numbers may vary quarter-to-quarter depending on these factors.

We calculate an all-electric equivalent home by combining electrification projects such as a heat pump HVAC at one home, a heat pump water heater from another home and an induction cooktop from another home. Added together, they make one all-electric equivalent home. We also include 100% all-electric single family and multifamily homes.

Chart showing 2024 all-electric equivalent homes, broken down by month. See chart below for more detailed information.   All electric homes by 2030 


Heat pump HVAC conversion 2,914 624 1,772 3,371 4,413 3,805
Heat pump water heater conversions 940 934 1,412 1,607 1,704 1,583
Induction cooktop conversions 392 92 165 230 345 410
All-electric new home & multifamily units constructed 1,924 57 447 938 1,188 1,300
Multifamily units retrofitted 1,113 139 294 312 659 660
All-electric equivalent homes (cumulative) 63,055 64,400 65,545 66,737 68,865 68,058

 Chart showing 2024 demand energy response, broken down by month. See chart below for more detailed information.   DER by 2030 


My Energy Optimizer® Smart thermostats (cumulative) 23,802 25,058 26,926 28,337 30,427 38,435
My Energy Optimizer Starter batteries (cumulative) 328  371 529 585 602 506
My Energy Optimizer Partner+ batteries 80  101 107 154 205 580
Peak Conserve℠ (NextGen ACLM) enrollments
1,338  1,536 1,542 1,555 1,783 6,500
PowerDirect Total MW (cumulative) 21.2 21.1 27.5 28 35 22.7
Total MW (cumulative) 46 47 49 57 60.44 63

Chart showing 2024 EVs by month. See chart below for additional details.
  EV by 2030 


Residential EV chargers installed (rebates issued) 5,045 1,170 2,959 3,513 4,098 1,500
Commercial EV chargers installed (rebates issued) 368 63 168 251 591 430
Residential EV Rate participants (cumulative) 23,329 24,601 26,951 28,002 29,589 34,601
E-Fuel Solutions projects 2 0 0 0 0 6
Number of light duty EV's in service territory (cumulative) 46,233 49,083 53,822 57,249 61,904 51,000

To help us achieve our goal of carbon-free power by 2030, we're working on a variety of utility-scale projects to increase our portfolio of carbon-free energy and improve reliability. Below are projects we're currently working on or have completed.


Status Project name Added capacity Energy source Description
In Progress ESS 4 MW/
24 MWh
Battery Storage

Battery Storage pilot project in partnership with ESS, a manufacturer of long-duration iron flow batteries for utility-scale energy storage applications, will install a mix of long-duration energy storage (LDES) solutions integrated with our grid. Phase 1 pilot targets demonstrating up to 4 MW/24 MWh at our Hedge facility with 2 separate installations. The first is a 450 kW/2400 kWh storage system that was deployed in September 2023 and is undergoing operational testing. For the second installation, design is underway for an approximately 3.6 MW/29 MWh (8-hour duration) storage system.

In Progress Country Acres 344 MW/
172 MW

SMUD Board approved the Final EIR on April 20, 2023. Placer Planning Commission and Placer Conservation Authority Approved the Project and Mitigation Agreement on January 11 and 17, 2024, respectively. The Board of Supervisor approved the project on February 20, 2024. Construction is underway and the project is scheduled to be online at the end of 2026.

In Progress Coyote Creek 200 MW/
100 MW

SMUD is in contract with DE Shaw for the procurement of energy for the Coyote Creek project. DE Shaw is currently in the environmental review process. The scope of the Coyote Creek project includes 200 MW Solar coupled with 100 MW x 4hr battery storage. 

In Progress Sloughhouse 50 MW Solar SMUD is in contract with DE Shaw for the procurement of energy for the Sloughhouse project. The scope of the project is a 50 MW solar installation. Construction is underway. The project is forecasted to be complete in 2025.
 Complete (2024)  Solano 4  85.5 MW  Wind The project scope included decommissioning Solano 1 by removing 23 wind turbines in April 2023. The project scope also included the installation of 19 wind turbines (9 in Solano 4 East and 10 in Solano 4 West). Construction on the new turbines started in April 2023 and completed in May 2024. With the completion of the of the Solano 4 project SMUD Solano Assets (Solano 2, 3 & 4) have a total installed capacity of 300 MW.
Complete (2023) Hedge 4 MW Battery Storage Commercial operation of the Hedge Lithium Ion Battery Energy Storage System began in January 2023. The system will provide 4 MW of electricity and 8 MW-hours of storage that can be tapped when other energy resources are strained—enough to power 800 homes for 2 hours with clean, renewable energy.
Complete (2023) Calpine 100 MW Geothermal January 2023 marked the beginning of the 10-year PPA of energy from Calpine’s operations at The Geysers, which adds 100 MWs of geothermal energy to SMUD’s portfolio—enough to power about 100,000 homes for a year. The Geysers is the single largest geothermal electric operation in the world.
Complete (2022) Drew Solar 100 MW Solar The Drew Solar Project, completed in 2022, is a 30-year Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for 100 MW Solar. Located in Imperial County, it has an expected output of 282,000 MWh/year.

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