Station J substation

The Station J substation would improve the reliability and capacity of downtown Sacramento.

SMUD is proposing to develop a new substation in Sacramento on a 10.3-acre site at 1220 North B Street in a developed area of downtown Sacramento. The project would consist of demolition of existing on-site structures and construction on new infrastructure to support up to five 40 MVA (megavolt amperes) 115/21kV transformers for a total of up to 200 MVA.

Substations are critical links in the electrical distribution system. Electricity travels through SMUD’s transmission system to substations where it can be converted to a lower voltage before safely being delivered to homes and businesses. The Station J Substation would directly serve the midtown and downtown areas, improving energy reliability and capacity.

Anticipated activities

The proposed scope of work for Final Construction includes:

  • Excavation, grading and surfacing
  • Construction of concrete foundations

 Installation of:

  • Underground conduit and grounding
  • Steel structures and equipment (transformers, metal clad switchgear, circuit breakers/switchers, switches)
  • Electrical buss and wiring
  • Testing and commissioning


SMUD plans to prepare an environmental impact report (EIR) for the project to satisfy the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (Public Resources Code [PRC] Section 21000 et seq.) and will serve as the lead agency for CEQA compliance. The purpose of publishing the Draft EIR is to provide sufficient information about the project and its potential environmental impacts to allow agencies and interested parties the opportunity to provide a meaningful response related to the scope and content of the Draft EIR, including mitigation measures that should be considered and alternatives that should be addressed.


Public meetings

When: Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 6 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Topic: ERCS Meeting
Location: SMUD Headquarters, 6201 S Street, Sacramento, CA 95817
When: Thursday, March 20, 2025, 6 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Board Meeting
Location: SMUD Headquarters, 6201 S Street, Sacramento, CA 95817



If you have any questions regarding the environmental process for this project, please contact Rob Ferrera at 1-916-732-6676 or