​Interconnection information

Here's what you need to know about our interconnection guidelines if you're considering generating some or all of your own power.

Note: Interconnected energy storage will be treated as distributed generation and fall under Rule 21 interconnection requirements. Please refer to Rate Policy 11-01 for policy and requirements. To qualify for Net Energy Metering (NEM), all storage must be charged with renewable energy on site.

Interconnection and behind-the-meter distributed generation agreements

Rule and Regulation 21 sets forth the conditions and requirements for interconnecting customer-sited generation. The rate schedules for Net Energy Metering (NEM1) and the Solar and Storage Rate (SSR) apply when a customer generates electricity to offset their usage. SMUD may at its discretion require agreements for systems up to 500kW. Executed agreements are generally required for systems greater than 500kW.

New interconnection and settings information

SMUD requires a one-time fee for all interconnection applications. Get detailed information about interconnection fees.

SMUD uses either Rule 21 or Advanced Inverter Functions (AIF) settings as part of the Interconnection application process. Learn more about the AIF settings.


Visit PowerClerk for all solar and distributed generation projects.

If you would like more information or have questions or comments about rates, rules, and regulations, email pricing@smud.org

Project interconnection process

Note: Interconnected energy storage will be treated as distributed generation and fall under Rule 21 interconnection requirements. Please refer to Rate Policy 11-01 for policy and requirements.

How do I connect my electricity generation project to the local grid?

  1. Submit generator interconnection request
    • Small generator interconnection requests - These are for projects that would connect into SMUD's distribution system. Typically, projects 20 MW and smaller will follow the small generator interconnection process. View the Small Generator Interconnection Application. You'll also want to reference the Interconnection Guidelines.
    • Large generator interconnection requests - These are for projects that will connect into SMUD's high voltage transmission system. Large generator interconnections are typically projects larger than 20 MW. View the Large Generator Interconnection Requirements.
  2. Submit a service request: Your project will need service power to provide for station loads when your project is not generating. Check the Service Connection Rules above for more information. Call 1-916-732-5700 for a service extension application.

Transmission to places outside the SMUD service area

If you're interconnecting your generator to SMUD's system and intend to sell the output of your project to a utility other than SMUD, you'll need to submit a request to us for point-to-point transmission. If your project interconnects to SMUD's distribution system, you'll be subject to a distribution wheeling charge to get your power to the high voltage transmission system, as well as a high voltage transmission charge.

If your project is interconnecting at 69 kV or lower and has a capacity of 20 MW or less, please reference SMUD's Distribution Wheeling process in the following documents:

Application for transmission service

If your project is interconnecting at 115 kV or higher or has a capacity greater than 20 MW, you'll need an Application for Transmission Service.

  • If you don't know the Point of Receipt (the point where your project will connect to SMUD's system), then indicate the geographic location of your project (property address or cross streets).
  • If you want SMUD to deliver project power to PG&E's system, the Point of Delivery will be Rancho Seco.
  • If you want SMUD to deliver project power to the Western Area Power Administration System, specify Elverta as the Point of Delivery.
  • Include a deposit of one month's transmission service charge with your application.

Generation Outage Coordination