Go Electric incentives for multifamily properties

This program is designed for multifamily properties of 5 units or more with incentives to support switching to cleaner, more efficient electric space heating, water heating and cooking appliances. Electric appliances save money and increase tenant safety.

Incentives are also available to install upgrades that improve energy efficiency and to install electric vehicle charging stations.  

Get started

How the program works

This program is funded by SMUD and delivered by the Association for Energy Affordability, Frontier Energy and Brighton Energy. After you complete and submit an interest form, a program representative from Frontier Energy will contact you to discuss your project, provide an energy assessment and next steps. Once we determine your project qualifies, a program representative from Association of Energy Affordability or Brighton Energy will schedule a site visit to determine existing systems and help to reserve your incentives. The site visit may be in-person or virtual. 

6 step process to get started. 1) Desktop review, 2) Site visit, 3) Scope of work, 4) Reserve funds, 5) Implement, 6) Submit.

To get started, complete the interest form prior to construction. If you have any questions, email Multifamily@smud.org or call 916-382-0332. A Multifamily Program Advisor will reach out within 5 business days to discuss your project and next steps to reserve your incentives.

Participants must:

  • Install at least one gas-to-electric measure or have a program-compliant all-electric property. Exclusions may apply.
  • Agree to a Tenant Engagement Plan.

Apply now

Frequently asked questions

How do I get started?

The first step is to complete the interest form. A Multifamily Program Advisor will contact you to discuss your project and next steps. If we determine your project qualifies, we’ll visit the property to verify conditions and help reserve your incentives.

What if I already started construction?

Unfortunately, we can only accept projects that have not yet started construction. Please email Multifamily@smud.org or call 916-382-0332 to discuss your application. 

Can I reserve incentives now?

Yes, you can reserve incentives for the following calendar year and for up to one full year from completing your incentive reservation.

What is tenant engagement?

Tenant engagement is SMUD's effort to engage directly with the building tenants during various phases of the project. This may include distributing SMUD educational materials by:

  • Digital delivery (e.g., community newsletter)
  • On-site community educational events
  • Apartment visits

Can I upgrade one unit at a time? Are common areas included?

Unit-by-unit upgrades and common areas are included in the incentives. We’ll help you define a timeline and reserve incentives to match the pace of your project.