Upcoming classes

Friday, July 26, 12:30 – 1:30 PM

(In person)

Induction cooking offers many benefits over cooking with gas or standard electric stoves, including speed, precision and improved air quality. During this class, a live chef will demonstrate how to cook with induction and why it’s superior to other cooking methods.

Thursday, August 1, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM 

(In-person and online)

Are you a renter that would like to lower your energy bills but aren't able to make all the changes to your home that you'd like? In this course, our Energy Specialists will share a number of low cost or no cost ways to reduce your monthly energy costs, specific to tenants that don't always have the ability to make large changes to their homes. 

Wednesday, August 21, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM


Are you thinking about buying an electric vehicle? Join us for an overview of electric vehicle basics before making this very important investment. Topics include what to know before buying, charging technologies and discounted rate options.

Videos, courses and guides

Parent resources for children


Looking for ways to keep kids engaged while learning at home?

Access age-appropriate, standards-based lessons from SMUD and the National Energy Education Development Project (NEED).

Each lesson includes a short reading, worksheet and additional learning resources. View lessons for:

Questions? Contact us at 1-916-732-6738 or etcmail@smud.org

EnergySmart Home

Looking for smart home ideas? Take a virtual tour and see for yourself how easy it can be to transform your home.

  • Learn how smart appliances help control energy costs
  • Find out how the latest lighting technology can make you more comfortable and save money
  • See how energy-efficient windows and window coverings control light and energy use
  • Learn how to use the sun to power your home and electric vehicle
  • See how to manage everything from your smart phone or tablet

Where can you find instant rebates on the best energy-efficient products on the market?

Shop SMUD Energy Store


EnergySmart Home virtual tour

Click the links to the titles of the different rooms in our EnergySmart Home to learn more about them.