Business rates
We offer many different rates to fit the needs of business in the Sacramento region.
To learn more, read a general guide to our commercial rates and other programs.
Time-of-Day rate periods
We updated from Time-of-Use to Time-of-Day rate periods to better align with our customers' electricity use and to take maximum advantage of solar production. You can save on your summer bill by reducing your electricity use at Peak times from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. weekdays. Commercial, industrial and agricultural customers can reduce electricity demand in many different ways:
- Minimize air conditioning use
- Reduce the use of lighting not essential for safety purposes in garages, hallways, lobbies, warehouses and displays
- Minimize use of office equipment, supply and exhaust fans, circulating pumps and maintenance and repair equipment
Time-of-Day (TOD) Rate clocks for commercial customers
How to read the rate codes.
Other rate-related information
- Fees and Deposit information
- Lighting Fee information
- Combined Heat & Power pricing
- Net Metering Surplus Generation Compensation Value
- Commercial Development information
- Our Economic Development programs
For more information about the rate restructure and changes, visit
If you would like more information or have questions or comments about rates, rules and regulations, email our Rates Team.
1 - Definitions | Sept. 22, 2023 |
01-1-3 |
2 - Service Conditions | Jan. 1, 2021 |
02-1-4 |
3 - Application for Service | Jan. 1, 2021 |
03-1 |
4 - Contracts | Jan. 1, 2021 |
04-1 |
6 - Billing, Payment of Bill, and Credit | Jan. 1, 2021 |
06-1-3 |
8 - Notices and Communications | Jan. 1, 2021 |
08-1 |
10 - Adjustment for Errors in Electric Bills | Sept. 22, 2023 |
10-1 |
11 - Discontinuance and Restoration of Service | Jan. 1, 2021 |
11-1-2 |
12 - Application of Rates | Jan. 1, 2021 |
12-1 |
13 - Temporary Service | Sept. 17, 2021 |
13-1 |
14 - Shortage of Supply and Interruption of Delivery | Jan. 1, 2021 |
14-1 |
15 - Extension of Facilities to Residential Premises | Jan. 1, 2021 |
15-1-3 |
16 - Extension of Facilities to Non-Residential Premises | Jan. 1, 2021 |
16-1-4 |
17 - Meter Tests and Adjustment of Bills for Meter Error | Jan. 1, 2021 |
17-1 |
18 - Services to Premises and Use of Energy | Sept. 22, 2023 |
18-1-2 |
21 - Interconnection Requirements | Jan. 1, 2021 |
21-1 |
Our rates are some of the lowest in California. See a general guide to our commercial rates and other programs.
Business rate comparisonBusiness customers' rates compared to PG&E as of March 1, 2025 |
Customer groups | Percentage lower than PG&E |
Small Commercial (0-20 kW) | 56.4% |
Small Commercial (21-299 kW) | 59.4% |
Medium Commercial (300-499 kW) | 57.2% |
Medium Commercial (500-999 kW) | 54.8% |
Large Commercial (1000+ kW) | 43.9% |
Agricultural | 57.7% |
Lighting (Traffic Signals) | 65.5% |
Lighting (Street Lighting) | 62.3% |
Average | 51.4% |
System Infrastructure Fixed Charge
The System Infrastructure Fixed Charge (SIFC) is a fixed monthly charge that helps pay for things like poles, wires, transformers, meter equipment, billing and customer service costs, including the Contact Center.
The amount varies by rate and service voltage. For more information, view details for your rate using the Rates listing above.
Resources to manage your account
Take control with My Account
Log in or enroll in My Account for information and solutions specific to your business. Access your account any time of the day to manage your energy with easy to view dashboards, bill comparison charts and easy reporting features.
Ways to save
Our list of energy saving tips can help you identify simple ways to save energy in your business.