Countdown to carbon-free
Why is carbon-free important?
Children in the Sacramento region are
22 % more likelyto develop asthma than an average American child
Sacramento was ranked the
7 th worstcity in the nation for air pollution
2021 J.D. Power Sustainability Index Study
80 % of SMUD customersbelieve climate change can be reduced
With smoke and ash from wildfires and other impacts from climate change, Sacramento has some of the dirtiest air in the country.
That's why we're committed to eliminating 100% of our greenhouse gas emissions from our electric generation by 2030.
We know that providing carbon-free energy is essential to improving our air quality and creating a better, cleaner environment.
It also puts us on the map as an environmental leader, attracting innovative businesses and creating new jobs.
Our children, grandchildren and future generations need us to do the right thing now, so that they can enjoy a Clean PowerCity in the future.
We’re proud to be recognized as a J.D. Power Certified Sustainability Leader for outstanding leadership in addressing climate change.* |
We'll continue our commitment to provide safe and reliable power at rates that are among the lowest in California.
We're constantly working to avoid outages by ensuring and improving reliability for our region.
Creating a carbon-free community
See how we’ll get to 100%.
Over the next 9 years, we'll transform where your power comes from.
Here's how we'll accomplish our goal:
- We'll take two plants offline by 2025 and switch others to alternative fuel sources.
- We’re increasing our amount of renewables and battery storage by 3.5 times.
- We'll adopt new technologies and be part of innovative projects and programs.
- We'll expand partnerships and grants to offset additional costs and keep rates low.
We’re moving toward zero carbon with equity in mind to ensure we meet our goal in an inclusive way through incentives, low-income programs, working with our Sustainable Communities partners and more.
If you're interested in learning more, our 2030 Zero Carbon Plan details what we'll do to reach our goal.
See our Zero Carbon Plan Read our Road to zero blog 2022 Zero Carbon Plan Progress Report
Join the charge
Show your support to create a healthier environment and cleaner air.
Ready to take the next step? Explore how to get involved.
Count me in
Become a Clean Power Champion by letting us know you support our 2030 Zero Carbon Plan and we'll send you some free swag!
Why clean air is important
Improved healthTransportation is the #1 source of air pollution and can make allergies and asthma worse. |
Protecting our environmentClimate change increases the frequency and intensity of heat waves, droughts and wildfires. |
Our children deserve betterChildren in the Sacramento region are 22% more likely to develop asthma than other children in America. |
Share your support on social media with #CleanPowerCity
With the growing number of public charging stations, charging is easy!
Don't own a home? No problem. Join to get up to 100% of your energy from clean energy sources.
Get instant rebates on energy-efficient products that you can take with you when you move.
Our incentives make it easy and affordable to add charging stations or convert your fleet to EVs.
Learn how our programs and incentives can help you switch your gas equipment with electric ones.
Did you know you have an account advisor to help you save energy and money? Reach out today.
TikTok contest entries
Thanks to all of the students who entered our TikTok contest. Winners are posted on our TikTok contest page. You can view all entries, in no particular order, below.
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Learn how we’re becoming a Clean PowerCity® and what you can do to help.